  • I Love You 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    I Love You 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    You make Monday morning cheerful and so bright!Brighter than a diamond ring! Yeah!Talking like a singing bird, my spirits rise!Rise like a morning sun!In the ra...


    Baby…The life don't show us something that we love all the time…May be…The life don't show us something that we don't have to see…Right?Baby…Could you stay righ...


    声にできぬ想い抱え… 今 心をつなごう! 望みを絶やさずに!揺らぐ世界 打つ手もなく! くぐり抜けろ!全ての時の旅人よ!無力さにしらけずに… 悲しみに溺れずに…名もなき… 涙から生まれおちた微笑みのように 幼き希望よ断崖に咲け! 清くも穢れた一つの命 賭して!伝えきれぬ想い背負い… 今 その手も 望みもつないで進もう!...


    虹が出るまであと少し!雲間にのぞく 青空見上げて 揺れて歩こう!神や仏の心も 空も 気まぐれすぎて 灯る溜め息 びしょ濡れ…遠慮なく降りそそぐ雨 受け止めて立ち止まらず 前へ前へ 雨雲を追いかけて!通り雨すぎれば蝉時雨! 短くも美しき命燃やせ!通り雨すぎれば蝉時雨! Wow…君の心の空に広がる 笑顔見たくてなげた 言葉...


    What's up, friends? Are you well?Hope all of you are fine…Let's turn our hearts loud again!Wake up for the good sound!We got to find a way to smile!We have to k...
  • Deepest River 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Deepest River 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Come near me… I need you tonight… Confused in my own life…Can't even see the light… The light I used to see!Could you talk to me tonight? Could you tell me soft...
  • Too young

    Too young

    I was laughing in my dream!I remember he was there…Good old morning has come to my life…The Good Old Morning has come!My cat's biting my left toe!That is tickli...
  • Hungry Passion

    Hungry Passion

    I have some things… I'm truly trying to achieve!Some things really mean to me and important to my life!It's not easy… It's really hard to achieve!It's worth to ...
  • Heart Beat 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Heart Beat 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Is that what you really wanna do? Try to find a difference…Dose it make you happy when you feel likeyou are bigger than someone else?the Color of my skin dose n...
  • Blue Moon

    Blue Moon

    Looking for a love in our heart… A love we're sharing!Something stronger than the sadness!Something tells us to go on!Mistakes… we all make… Misunderstandings… ...
  • Broken Wine Glass, Lonely Night 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Broken Wine Glass, Lonely Night 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Broken wine glass, lonely nightToo much French Red, la, la, la, la, la, la…Cab is honking it's a Friday night…Very special night for both of us…A couple is kiss...
  • Patience


    Hey! Wait! Hey!No Violence! A little more patience!Losing own identity! Facing a crisis of a life!A place of living disappeared!I'll face it! I'm not whining!I ...
  • My Ghost Town

    My Ghost Town

    Two thirty-five in my Ghost Town…The halfmoon is shining and soonsun will be rising bright…I open up the windows…Feel the cold air…See the world is dancing in t...
  • Minimum Wage 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Minimum Wage 'BEST -the 25th edition-'

    Instead of working minimum wage! Washing dishes everyday!I wanted to make my dreams come true! True!Nothing could stop me! I knew I had only one life!I just bel...
  • AWE


    The winners smile and the losers cry...And I give them a shower of applause...Awe...I praise the win with awe...Awe...I praise the loss with awe...Everybody wan...


    信じてる音があるなら... 信じてる友がいるんなら...ポケットemptyでも そのココロは wealthyだね!Wow!Wow!理解されないときでも 広げようよ 視界も 世界も!Try to accept the view! 手足を for good 伸ばして!Wow!Freedomなココロ ただそのままで!GO!G...


    ハル イノチ ミチテ ハル イノリ サクココロニ ヒメシ ユメト アユメ イマアオク スミワタル ソラニ セカイニヒヲ トモスヨニ サキホコレ サクラWow!Wo!Wo! Wow!Wo! Wow!Wo! Wow!Wo!Wo! Wow!Wow!カケヌケロ! キノウ! キョウ! アスノ ハルカ ムコウ!Wow!Wo!Wo!...


    Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!SHAKE IT UP! NOW! Everybody! Make some noise!Remember? We're all sharing the world!SHAKE IT UP...


    I see crazy things are happening in this world,I feel so blue like the sky above,There's a big crack in this countryand I can't see the bride across...Too much ...


    海を 渡り 何 想う? 扉 開き 何を 見る?期待のなか みつけだせ! ひろき世界に 生きがい!遠く 離れ 何を 知る? 挑む 心 何を 生む?挫折よ! さぁ! えがきだせ! 自分だけの 未来図!今日の涙が 明日の微笑みに... 破けた夢が 歌になる その日まで!諦め ついた ため息... あせることなき 喜び!今 此...