「16」Song For The Weak.
What is wrong? When did you become conservative?Fuck this globe, Fuck this world,fuck the people and fuck the system!Am I Right?Say it!Rock these days isn't roc...Everything is all lies
I know what you want to do .Everything is all lies.You'll do anything to get what you want.折破摧伏禍々しく忌み嫌われる存在Is it God? The devil? A saint? A witch?神格化するのは人の都合理の外...The Blackened Sun
I am cross. I am god.I am satan. I am dead.You lay down killed yourself.War will be born.Everything will turn to nothing, and a new life will be born.Drain, Blo...False Self
Don't fuck with me 殻を破れ絡みついた鎖を砕き 解き放て流れるまま 流されるままでは無く向かい風に立ち向かい羽ばたく幻想を抱く 信念は脆く歩み寄る姿勢は何処か哀れで塗り固められた虚像ならば一層の事 壊してしまえばいいInferiorityFrustrations困難葛藤無縁な栄光業火に身を投げ滅びに憧...Dusky-Vision
Do you remember what you said to me in the past?It's stuck in my head.陽の光が届かぬ暗闇の中抱えた孤独と不安に寄り添いながら卑屈さ故に歪んだ心溶かす安息と静寂を求め彷徨う“I don't want to be alive anymore”一握りをすく...Murderous impulse
Running from the demons.Dashing down back alley ways.The demons trail close behind.Refuge was lost thus a decision was made.As my soul was being eaten by the de...「開花」
深く深く深く沈む二度と浮かぶことは無い虚ろな瞳に映る繕うことで繋ぎ止めた脆く弱い絲造られた景色の中で満たされ続ける息を潜め、ただ立ち尽くした溢れ出した穢れは透き通った水槽を真紅に染め上げ魅惑の香りに誘われ引き寄せられた神の使いは艶めかしげに遊泳してみせたEverything comes at a price.By of...孤独死
Die 世界 just wait and see見てるか?排他的世界邪魔させないMy worldI am such a cleep.心地よい籠の中I am miserable inside.暗いはキライダ孤独はキライダゆらりゆらりゆらりと儚く揺れる桜の木共に揺れる君最後にキスをしよう埋めた埋めた埋めた確かめながら埋めた...